Tag Archives: Obama

RAND – 12 Years after WTC Attacks, Obama Seeks Approval For U.S.-Al Qaeda Alliance

ImageEleven years and 364 days after Al Qaeda attacked the American homeland for the second time in US history, President Barack Hussein Obama attempted to make the case that America should not only get involved in Syria’s conflict but to align ourselves with the same group of terrorists that killed 3,000+ fellow Americans on 9/11 and thousands more during our justified response in the ‘War on Terror’.   On Tuesday night, Obama spoke to the American people from the East Room of the White House to make his appeal to Americans.  The last time he spoke from the East Room was when he announced the death of Al Qaeda founder Usama Bin Laden.   Yes, the last time he spoke from the East Room was when he killed Al Qaeda’s leader, and on Tuesday night he seeks public and Congressional approval to arm and align OUR United States Military to fight side-by-side with that same leader’s foot-soldiers and mercenaries that targeted us 12 years ago today — What balls!

I think it’s well established that I am no big ‘fan’ of Rand Paul but I do have to give him the credit that he deserves as Sen. Paul gave a scathing rebuke to President Barack Hussein Obama’s Syrian policy tonight.  I have to give him props for doing something the spineless GOP establishment dares not do — directly oppose Barack Hussein Obama and his radical Muslim Brotherhood inspired foreign policy.

“Twelve years after we were attacked by Al Qaeda, 12 years after 3,000 Americans were killed by Al Qaeda, President Obama now asks us to be allies with Al Qaeda. Americans by a large majority want nothing to do with the Syrian civil war. We fail to see a national security interest in a war between a leader who gases his own citizens and Islamist rebels who are killing Christians…”

AMEN Mr Senator, AMEN!

Here is the full 5 minute rebuttal by Sen. Paul.  Watch and share.

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Gay Black Jesus Heals Nelson Mandela


NBC News ran an odd story about America’s First Gay President, “Perez Obama” and his recently discovered psychic healing abilities.  NBC broke what was once considered standard journalist protocol by publishing a single source story.  In a style reminiscent of a Banana-Republic fueled by a cult of personality, NBC News published the puff piece where Mandela’s daughter, Zindzi Mandela states that Social-Justice enthusiast, and card-carrying Marxist Nelson Mandela was temporarily healed upon hearing of Perez Obama’s upcoming trip to Africa. Of course there is no proof or verification of the incident and the Vatican has yet to begin the beatification process for the sitting president but that is not the actual purpose of the piece.  The purpose is to bring back the Messiah-like glow of ‘Hope & Change’ to the failure of Perez Obama’s presidency.

Dear readers, this is what happens in a secular society where there is no God. The Secularists do not remove the Church from society, they merely replace it with a false one.  The State becomes ‘the Church’ as the only arbiter of morals and Right and Wrong. The Cult of Personality leader becomes a ‘Savior’ capable of producing miracles.  And the Press becomes the Preacher.  This is the True Faith of the Leftist, not a ‘separation of Church and State’ but ironically a union between the two supported not by Natural Law but various political agendas.

Welcome to ‘Fundamental Transformation’.

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